Working with Ashleigh Warren on The Micro-Influencer’s Brand Partnership Bible through Scribe Media brought me into the awesome and wild world of what it’s like to be a micro-influencer. Ashleigh is a brilliant marketer (she knows her sh*t) with an amazing track record of success who is both an expert (she made my job super easy) but humble and enjoyable human to work with.

The most impactful moments, insights, and ideas that shaped me during this project:


      • Quick-fix marketing is not smart. The message I received over and over in our work together was that great marketing takes focus, time, and smart strategy and that quick fixes are never the way to succeed.

      • Anyone can make a living sharing what they love if they are serious and committed. I love that we live in a time where anyone can make money by providing value and contributing to others in a niche they care about. Working with Ashleigh, I understood this new business realm and learned to appreciate and respect content creators.

      • There are good humans out there succeeding in business. When we collaborated, Ashleigh was 29 and running a major marketing firm. She was also super kind, giving and humble about her expertise. I love that today, younger entrepreneurs are building successful businesses that care to do great things in the world and treat people with respect.

    To read an excerpt of The Micro-Influencer’s Brand Partnership Bible or purchase a copy on Amazon, click the cover below: